# この特定商取引に関する法律施行令の翻訳は、平成十六年政令第二百九十五号までの改正(平成16年11月11日施行)について、「法令用語日英標準対訳辞書」(平成18年3月版)に準拠して作成したものです。なお、この法令の翻訳は公定訳ではありません。法的効力を有するのは日本語の法令自体であり、翻訳はあくまでその理解を助けるための参考資料です。この翻訳の利用に伴って発生した問題について、一切の責任を負いかねますので、法律上の問題に関しては、官報に掲載された日本語の法令を参照してください。 # This English translation of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions has been prepared (up to the revisions of Cabinet Order No. 295 of 2004(Effective November 11, 2004)) in compliance with the Standard Bilingual Dictionary (March 2006 edition). This is an unofficial translation. Only the original Japanese texts of laws and regulations have legal effect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding of Japanese laws and regulations. The Government of Japan shall not be responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the legislative material provided in this Website, or for any consequence resulting from use of the information in this Website. For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute, users should consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette. 特定商取引に関する法律施行令(昭和五十一年十一月二十四日政令第二百九十五号) Order for Enforcement of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions (Cabinet Order No. 295 of November 24, 1976) 第一条 (特定顧客の誘引方法) Article 1 (Solicitation method used for Specified Customer)  特定商取引に関する法律(以下「法」という。)第二条第一項第二号の政令で定める方法は、次のいずれかに該当する方法とする。 A method specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 2(1)(ii) of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") shall be a method that falls under any of the following:  一 電話、郵便、民間事業者による信書の送達に関する法律(平成十四年法律第九十九号)第二条第六項に規定する一般信書便事業者若しくは同条第九項に規定する特定信書便事業者による同条第二項に規定する信書便(以下「信書便」という。)、電報、ファクシミリ装置を用いて送信する方法若しくは法第十一条第二項に規定する電磁的方法(以下「電磁的方法」という。)により、若しくはビラ若しくはパンフレットを配布し若しくは拡声器で住居の外から呼び掛けることにより、又は住居を訪問して、当該売買契約又は役務提供契約の締結について勧誘をするためのものであることを告げずに営業所その他特定の場所への来訪を要請すること。 (i) to request a person to visit the Place of Business or other specified place without telling the person that the purpose is to solicit the sales contract or the Service Contract, by means of telephone, postal mail, correspondence delivery prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Act on Letter Service by Private Business Operators (Act No. 99 of 2002) made by a general correspondence delivery operator prescribed in Article 2(6) of the same Act or a specified letter delivery operator prescribed in Article 2(9) of the same Act (hereinafter referred to as "Correspondence Delivery"), telegraph, transmission using a facsimile machine, or an electromagnetic means prescribed in Article 11(2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "electromagnetic means"), or by distributing fliers or pamphlets or calling with a loudspeaker from outside of the residence, or by visiting the residence; or  二 電話、郵便、信書便、電報、ファクシミリ装置を用いて送信する方法若しくは電磁的方法により、又は住居を訪問して、他の者に比して著しく有利な条件で当該売買契約又は役務提供契約を締結することができる旨を告げ、営業所その他特定の場所への来訪を要請すること(当該要請の日前に当該販売又は役務の提供の事業に関して取引のあつた者に対して要請する場合を除く。)。 (ii) to request a person to visit the Place of Business or other specified place by telling the person that he/she may conclude the sales contract or the Service Contract under more advantageous terms than others, by means of telephone, postal mail, Correspondence Delivery, telegraph, transmission using a facsimile machine, or an electromagnetic means, or by visiting the residence (excluding a case where the request is made to a person with which there were transactions concerning said sales or offer of services prior to the date of such request). 第二条 Article 2  法第二条第三項の政令で定める方法は、次のいずれかに該当する方法とする。 A method specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 2(3) of the Act shall be a method that falls under any of the following:  一 電話、郵便、信書便、電報、ファクシミリ装置を用いて送信する方法若しくは電磁的方法により、又はビラ若しくはパンフレットを配布して、当該売買契約又は役務提供契約の締結について勧誘をするためのものであることを告げずに電話をかけることを要請すること。 (i) to request a person to make a telephone call without telling the person that the purpose is to solicit the sales contract or the Service Contract, by means of telephone, postal mail, Correspondence Delivery, telegraph, transmission using a facsimile machine, or an electromagnetic means, or by distributing fliers or pamphlets; or  二 電話、郵便、信書便、電報、ファクシミリ装置を用いて送信する方法又は電磁的方法により、他の者に比して著しく有利な条件で当該売買契約又は役務提供契約を締結することができる旨を告げ、電話をかけることを要請すること(当該要請の日前に当該販売又は役務の提供の事業に関して取引のあつた者に対して要請する場合を除く。)。 (ii) to request a person to make a telephone call by telling the person that he/she may conclude the sales contract or the Service Contract under more advantageous terms than others, by means of telephone, postal mail, Correspondence Delivery, telegraph, transmission using a facsimile machine, or an electromagnetic means (excluding a case where the request is made to a person with which there were transactions concerning said sales or offer of services prior to the date of such request). 第三条 (指定商品等) Article 3 (Designated Goods, etc.) 1 法第二条第四項の指定商品は、別表第一に掲げる物品とする。 (1) Designated Goods as prescribed in Article 2(4) of the Act shall be the goods listed in Appended Table 1. 2 法第二条第四項の指定権利は、別表第二に掲げる権利とする。 (2) Designated Rights as prescribed in Article 2(4) of the Act shall be the rights listed in Appended Table 2. 3 法第二条第四項の指定役務は、別表第三に掲げる役務とする。 (3) Designated Services as prescribed in Article 2(4) of the Act shall be the services listed in Appended Table 3. 第三条の二 (勧誘目的を告げない誘引方法) Article 3-2 (Solicitation method of not disclosing the purpose for solicitation)  法第六条第四項、第三十四条第四項及び第五十二条第三項の政令で定める方法は、電話、郵便、信書便、電報、ファクシミリ装置を用いて送信する方法若しくは電磁的方法により、若しくはビラ若しくはパンフレットを配布し若しくは拡声器で住居の外から呼び掛けることにより、又は住居を訪問して、営業所その他特定の場所への来訪を要請する方法とする。 A method specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 6(4), Article 34(4), and Article 52(3) of the Act shall be to request a person to visit the Place of Business or other specified place, by means of telephone, postal mail, Correspondence Delivery, telegraph, transmission using a facsimile machine, or an electromagnetic means, or by distributing fliers or pamphlets or calling with a loudspeaker from outside of the residence, or by visiting the residence. 第四条 (契約の申込みの撤回等ができない指定商品) Article 4 (Designated Goods for which application for contract cannot be withdrawn and contract cannot be rescinded)  法第九条第一項(第二号を除く。)及び第二十四条第一項(第二号を除く。)の政令で定める指定商品は、乗用自動車とする。 Designated Goods specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 9(1) (excluding Item 2) and Article 24(1) (excluding Item 2) of the Act shall be passenger cars. 第五条 Article 5  法第九条第一項第二号及び第二十四条第一項第二号の政令で定める指定商品は、別表第四に掲げる指定商品とする。 Designated Goods specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 9(1)(ii) and Article 24(1)(ii) of the Act shall be the Designated Goods listed in Appended Table 4. 第六条 (法第九条第一項第三号及び第二十四条第一項第三号の政令で定める金額) Article 6 (Amount specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 9(1)(iii) and Article 24(1)(iii) of the Act)  法第九条第一項第三号及び第二十四条第一項第三号の政令で定める金額は、三千円とする。 The amount specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 9(1)(iii) and Article 24(1)(iii) of the Act shall be 3,000 yen. 第七条 (情報通信の技術を利用する方法) Article 7 (Method using information and communications technology) 1 販売業者又は役務提供事業者は、法第十三条第二項の規定により同項に規定する事項を提供しようとするときは、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該申込みをした者に対し、その用いる同項前段に規定する方法の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は同項前段に規定する方法による承諾を得なければならない。 (1) When a seller or a Service Provider intends to provide the matters prescribed in Article 13(2) of the Act pursuant to the provision of the same paragraph, the seller or the Service Provide shall gain the prior consent from the person who made the application in writing or by means prescribed in the first sentence of the same paragraph by indicating the type and details of the means prescribed in the first sentence of the same paragraph to be used, pursuant to the provisions of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. 2 前項の規定による承諾を得た販売業者又は役務提供事業者は、当該申込みをした者から書面又は法第十三条第二項前段に規定する方法により同項前段に規定する方法による提供を受けない旨の申出があつたときは、当該申込みをした者に対し、同項に規定する事項の提供を同項前段に規定する方法によつてしてはならない。ただし、当該申込みをした者が再び前項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。 (2) If a seller or a Service Provider who has gained the consent pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph receives a notification in writing or by means prescribed in the first sentence of Article 13(2) of the Act from the person who has made the application stating that he/she will not accept provision of matters by the means prescribed in the first sentence of the same paragraph, the seller or the Service Provider shall not provide the matters prescribed in the same paragraph by means prescribed in the first sentence of the same paragraph to the person who made the application. However, this shall not apply when the person who made the application gives the consent prescribed in the preceding paragraph once again. 第八条 (適用除外される訪問販売の取引の態様) Article 8 (Mode of transaction of Door-to-Door Sales that is excluded from application)  法第二十六条第二項第二号の政令で定める取引の態様は、次のいずれかに該当する取引の態様とする。 A mode of transaction specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 26(2)(ii) of the Act shall be a mode of transaction that falls under any of the following:  一 現に店舗において販売を行つている販売業者(以下「店舗販売業者」という。)又は現に店舗において役務の提供を行つている役務提供事業者(以下「店舗役務提供事業者」という。)が定期的に住居を巡回訪問し、指定商品若しくは指定権利の売買契約の申込み若しくは売買契約の締結の勧誘又は指定役務の役務提供契約の申込み若しくは役務提供契約の締結の勧誘を行わず、単にその申込みを受け、又は請求を受けてこれを締結して行う販売又は役務の提供 (i) sales or offer of services, where a seller that actually engages in sales at a store (hereinafter referred to as a "Store Seller") or a Service Provider that actually engages in offer of services at a store (hereinafter referred to as a "Store Service Provider") regularly visits residences and, without soliciting an application for a sales contract or conclusion of a sales contract on Designated Goods or Designated Rights or soliciting an application for a Service Contract or conclusion of a Service Contract on Designated Services, simply receives such an application or concludes such a contract upon request;  二 店舗販売業者又は店舗役務提供事業者が顧客(当該訪問の日前一年間に、当該販売又は役務の提供の事業に関して、取引のあつた者に限る。)に対してその住居を訪問して行う販売又はその住居を訪問して役務提供契約の申込みを受け若しくは役務提供契約を締結して行う役務の提供 (ii) sales or offer of services by a Store Seller or a Store Service Provider to a customer (limited to a person with which there were transactions concerning said sales or offer of services during a one year period prior to the date of the visit) conducted by visiting the residence of the customer and, in the case of offer of services, receiving an application for a Service Contract or concluding a Service Contract;  三 店舗販売業者以外の販売業者又は店舗役務提供事業者以外の役務提供事業者が継続的取引関係にある顧客(当該訪問の日前一年間に、当該販売又は役務の提供の事業に関して、二以上の訪問につき取引のあつた者に限る。)に対してその住居を訪問して行う販売又はその住居を訪問して役務提供契約の申込みを受け若しくは役務提供契約を締結して行う役務の提供 (iii) sales or offer of services by a seller other than a Store Seller or a Service Provider other than a Store Service Provider to a customer with which there is a continuous transaction relationship (limited to a person with which there were transactions concerning said sales or offer of services upon two or more visits during a one year period prior to the date of the visit) conducted by visiting the residence of the customer and, in the case of offer of services, receiving an application for a Service Contract or concluding a Service Contract; or  四 販売業者又は役務提供事業者が他人の事務所その他の事業所(以下単に「事業所」という。)に所属する者に対してその事業所において行う販売又はその事業所において役務提供契約の申込みを受け若しくは役務提供契約を締結して行う役務の提供(その事業所の管理者の書面による承認を受けて行うものに限る。) (iv) sales or offer of services by a seller or a Service Provider to a person who belongs to another person's office or other place of business (hereinafter simply referred to as a "Place of Business") conducted at such Place of Business in the case of sales, or by receiving an application for a Service Contract or concluding a Service Contract at such Place of Business (limited to that conducted by gaining a written approval of the manager of such Place of Business) in the case of offer of services. 第九条 (法第二十六条第三項第一号の政令で定める行為) Article 9 (An act specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 26(3)(i) of the Act)  法第二十六条第三項第一号の政令で定める行為は、電話、郵便、信書便、電報、ファクシミリ装置を用いて送信する方法若しくは電磁的方法により、又はビラ若しくはパンフレットを配布して、当該電話勧誘販売に係る売買契約又は役務提供契約の締結について勧誘をするためのものであることを告げずに電話をかけることを請求させる行為とする。 An act specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 26(3)(i) shall be an act of causing a person to request a telephone call by means of telephone, postal mail, Correspondence Delivery, telegraph, transmission using a facsimile machine, or an electromagnetic means, or by distributing fliers or pamphlets, without telling the person that the purpose is to solicit a sales contract or a Service Contract pertaining to said Telemarketing Sales. 第十条 (適用除外される電話勧誘販売の取引の態様) Article 10 (Mode of transaction of Telemarketing Sales that is excluded from application)  法第二十六条第三項第二号の政令で定める取引の態様は、販売業者又は役務提供事業者が継続的取引関係にある顧客(当該勧誘の日前一年間に、当該販売又は役務の提供の事業に関して、二以上の取引のあつた者に限る。)に対して電話をかけ、その電話において行う売買契約又は役務提供契約の締結についての勧誘により、当該売買契約の申込みを郵便等(法第二条第二項に規定する郵便等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)により受け、若しくは当該売買契約を郵便等により締結して行う販売又は当該役務提供契約の申込みを郵便等により受け、若しくは当該役務提供契約を郵便等により締結して行う役務の提供とする。 A mode of transaction specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 26(3)(ii) of the Act shall be sales or offer of services conducted by a seller or a Service Provider to a customer with which there is a continuous transaction relationship (limited to a person with which there were transactions concerning said sales or offer of services upon two or more visits during a one year period prior to the date of the visit) by calling the customer by telephone and, as a result of solicitation of a sales contract or a Service Contract in such telephone call, receiving an application for such sales contract or Service Contract by Postal Mail, etc. (which means the Postal Mail, etc. as prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this article) or concluding such sales contract or Service Contract by Postal Mail, etc. 第十条の二 (商品販売契約の解除を行うことができないとき) Article 10-2 (Cases where Sales Contract on Goods cannot be rescinded)  法第四十条の二第二項第四号の政令で定めるときは、連鎖販売加入者の責めに帰すべき事由により、当該商品の全部又は一部を滅失し、又はき損したときとする。 Cases specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 40-2(2)(iv) of the Act shall be cases where the Goods are lost or damaged in whole or in part based on a cause imputable to the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor. 第十一条 (特定継続的役務提供の期間及び金額) Article 11 (Periods of and amount of money charged for Specified Continuous Service Offers) 1 法第四十一条第一項第一号の政令で定める期間は、別表第五の第一欄に掲げる特定継続的役務ごとに同表の第二欄に掲げる期間とする。 (1) Periods specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 41(1)(i) shall be the periods that are respectively listed in Column 2 of Appended Table 5 for the Specified Continuous Services listed in Column 1 of the same table. 2 法第四十一条第一項第一号の政令で定める金額は、五万円とする。 (2) The amount specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 41(1)(i) of the Act shall be 50,000 yen. 第十二条 (特定継続的役務) Article 12 (Specified Continuous Services)  法第四十一条第二項の特定継続的役務は、別表第五の第一欄に掲げる役務とする。 The Specified Continuous Services as prescribed in Article 41(2) shall be the services listed in Column 1 of Appended Table 5. 第十三条 (法第四十五条第一項の政令で定める金額) Article 13 (Amount specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 45(1) of the Act)  法第四十五条第一項の政令で定める金額は、五万円とする。 The amount specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 45(1) of the Act shall be 50,000 yen. 第十四条 (法第四十八条第二項の政令で定める関連商品) Article 14 (Related Goods specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 48(2) of the Act) 1 法第四十八条第二項本文の政令で定める関連商品は、別表第六に掲げる商品とする。 (1) The Related Goods specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 48(2) of the Act shall be the goods listed in Attached Table 6. 2 法第四十八条第二項ただし書の政令で定める関連商品は、別表第六第一号イ及びロに掲げる関連商品とする。 (2) The Related Goods specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in the proviso to Article 48(2) of the Act shall be the Related Goods listed in Appended Table 6(1)(a) and (b). 第十五条 (法第四十九条第二項第一号ロの政令で定める額) Article 15 (Amount specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 49(2)(i)(a) of the Act)  法第四十九条第二項第一号ロの政令で定める額は、別表第五の第一欄に掲げる特定継続的役務ごとに同表の第三欄に掲げる額とする。 The amount specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 49(2)(i)(a) of the Act shall be the amounts that are respectively listed in Column 3 of Appended Table 5 for the Specified Continuous Services listed in Column 1 of the same table. 第十六条 (法第四十九条第二項第二号の政令で定める額) Article 16 (Amount specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 49(2)(ii) of the Act)  法第四十九条第二項第二号の政令で定める額は、別表第五の第一欄に掲げる特定継続的役務ごとに同表の第四欄に掲げる額とする。 The amount specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 49(2)(ii) of the Act shall be the amounts that are respectively listed in Column 4 of Appended Table 5 for the Specified Continuous Services listed in Column 1 of the same table. 第十七条 (報告の徴収) Article 17 (Collection of report)  法第六十六条第一項の規定により主務大臣が販売業者、役務提供事業者、統括者、勧誘者、一般連鎖販売業者又は業務提供誘引販売業を行う者から報告をさせることができる事項は、次の表の上欄に掲げる区分に応じ、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる事項とする。 The matters that the competent minister may require a seller, a Service Provider, a Supervisor, a solicitor, a general multilevel marketing distributor, or a person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales to make a report pursuant to the provision of Article 66(i) of the Act shall be the matters respectively listed in the lower column of the following table according to the classification listed in the upper column of the same table. 販売業者 Seller 一 当該販売業者が訪問販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る売買契約又は特定権利販売契約の締結について行う勧誘に関する事項 (1) matters concerning the solicitation of a sales contract or a Specified Right Sales Contract pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales or Telemarketing Sales conducted by the seller 二 当該販売業者が受ける訪問販売、通信販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る売買契約の申込み又は当該販売業者が行うこれらの売買契約若しくは特定権利販売契約若しくは関連商品販売契約の締結に関する事項 (2) matters concerning application for a sales contract pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales, Mail Order Sales, or Telemarketing Sales received by the seller or conclusion of such sales contract, a Specified Right Sales Contract, or a Sales Contract on Related Goods by the seller 三 当該販売業者が締結する訪問販売、通信販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る売買契約又は特定権利販売契約若しくは関連商品販売契約の内容及びその履行に関する事項 (3) matters concerning the details and performance of a sales contract, a Specified Right Sales Contract, or a Sales Contract on Related Goods pertaining to Mail Order Sales or Telemarketing Sales concluded by the seller 四 当該販売業者が受けた訪問販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る売買契約の申込みの撤回又は当該販売業者が締結した訪問販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る売買契約若しくは特定権利販売契約若しくは関連商品販売契約の解除に関する事項 (4) matters concerning withdrawal of an application for a sales contract pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales or Telemarketing Sales received by the seller or rescission of a sales contract, a Specified Right Sales Contract, or a Sales Contract on Related Goods pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales or Telemarketing Sales concluded by the seller 五 当該販売業者が行う通信販売又は特定継続的役務の提供を受ける権利の販売についての広告に関する事項 (5) matters concerning the advertising of Mail Order Sales or sales of rights to receive offer of Specified Continuous Services conducted by the seller 六 当該販売業者が特定継続的役務提供に係る前払取引を行う場合に行うその業務及び財産の状況を記載した書類の備付け、閲覧及び謄本又は抄本の交付に関する事項 (6) matters concerning the keeping, inspection, and delivery of a full or extract copy of the documents describing the state of business and property of the seller where the seller conducts a prepaid transaction pertaining to Specified Continuous Service Offers 役務提供事業者 Service Provider 一 当該役務提供事業者が訪問販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る役務提供契約又は特定継続的役務提供契約の締結について行う勧誘に関する事項 (1) matters concerning solicitation of a Service Contract or a Specified Continuous Service Contract pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales or Telemarketing Sales conducted by the Service Provider 二 当該役務提供事業者が受ける訪問販売、通信販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る役務提供契約の申込み又は当該役務提供事業者が行うこれらの役務提供契約若しくは特定継続的役務提供契約若しくは関連商品販売契約の締結に関する事項 (2) matters concerning application for a Service Contract pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales, Mail Order Sales, or Telemarketing Sales received by the Service Provider or conclusion of such Service Contract, a Specified Continuous Service Contract, or a Sales Contract on Related Goods by the Service Provider 三 当該役務提供事業者が締結する訪問販売、通信販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る役務提供契約又は特定継続的役務提供契約若しくは関連商品販売契約の内容及びその履行に関する事項 (3) matters concerning the details and performance of a Service Contract pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales, Mail Order Sales, or Telemarketing Sales, a Specified Continuous Service Contract, or a Sales Contract on Related Goods concluded by the Service Provider 四 当該役務提供事業者が受けた訪問販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る役務提供契約の申込みの撤回又は当該役務提供事業者が締結した訪問販売若しくは電話勧誘販売に係る役務提供契約若しくは特定継続的役務提供契約若しくは関連商品販売契約の解除に関する事項 (4) matters concerning withdrawal of an application for a Service Contract pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales or Telemarketing Sales received by the Service Provider or rescission of a Service Contract pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales or Telemarketing Sales, a Specified Continuous Service Contract, or a Sales Contract on Related Goods concluded by the Service Provider 五 当該役務提供事業者が行う通信販売又は特定継続的役務の提供についての広告に関する事項 (5) matters concerning the advertising of Mail Order Sales or offer of Specified Continuous Services conducted by the Service Provider 六 当該役務提供事業者が特定継続的役務提供に係る前払取引を行う場合に行うその業務及び財産の状況を記載した書類の備付け、閲覧及び謄本又は抄本の交付に関する事項 (6) matters concerning the keeping, inspection, and delivery of a full or extract copy of the documents describing the state of business and property of the Service Provider where the Service Provider conducts a prepaid transaction pertaining to Specified Continuous Service Offers 統括者 Supervisor 一 当該統括者がその統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う勧誘に関する事項 (1) matters concerning solicitation of Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor 二 当該統括者がその統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について勧誘者に行わせる勧誘に関する事項 (2) matters concerning solicitation of Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, which the Supervisor has a solicitor conduct 三 当該統括者がその連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う契約の締結に関する事項 (3) matters concerning conclusion of a contract on Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to the Multilevel Marketing by the Supervisor 四 当該統括者がその連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について締結する契約の内容及びその履行に関する事項 (4) matters concerning the details and performance of a contract on Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to the Multilevel Marketing concluded by the Supervisor 五 当該統括者がその統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う契約の解除に関する事項 (5) matters concerning rescission of a contract on Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, which are conducted by the Supervisor 六 当該統括者がその統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う広告に関する事項 (6) matters concerning the advertising of Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, which are conducted by the Supervisor 七 連鎖販売業に係る商品又は役務の種類、特定利益の内容その他の当該統括者が統括する一連の連鎖販売業に関する事項 (7) the type of goods or services pertaining to Multilevel Marketing, the details of a specified profit, and other matters concerning a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor 勧誘者 Solicitor 一 当該勧誘者がその統括者の統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う勧誘に関する事項 (1) matters concerning solicitation of Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, which are conducted by the solicitor 二 当該勧誘者がその連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う契約の締結に関する事項 (2) matters concerning conclusion of a contract on Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to the Multilevel Marketing by the solicitor 三 当該勧誘者がその連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について締結する契約の内容及びその履行に関する事項 (3) matters concerning the details and performance of a contract on Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to the Multilevel Marketing concluded by the solicitor 四 当該勧誘者がその統括者の統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う契約の解除に関する事項 (4) matters concerning rescission of a contract on Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, which are conducted by the solicitor 五 当該勧誘者がその統括者の統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う広告に関する事項 (5) matters concerning the advertising of Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, which are conducted by the solicitor 六 当該勧誘者が勧誘するその統括者の統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引についての統括者との契約関係に関する事項 (6) matters concerning the contractual relationship with the Supervisor with regard to the Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, which are solicited by the solicitor 一般連鎖販売業者 General multilevel marketing distributor 当該一般連鎖販売業者がその統括者の統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う勧誘に関する事項 (1) matters concerning solicitation of Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, conducted by the general multilevel marketing distributor 二 当該一般連鎖販売業者がその連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う契約の締結に関する事項 (2) matters concerning conclusion of a contract on Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to the Multilevel Marketing by the general multilevel marketing distributor 三 当該一般連鎖販売業者がその連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について締結する契約の内容及びその履行に関する事項 (3) matters concerning the details and performance of a contract on Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to the Multilevel Marketing concluded by the general multilevel marketing distributor 四 当該一般連鎖販売業者がその統括者の統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う契約の解除に関する事項 (4) matters concerning rescission of a contract on Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, which are conducted by the general multilevel marketing distributor 五 当該一般連鎖販売業者がその統括者の統括する一連の連鎖販売業に係る連鎖販売取引について行う広告に関する事項 (5) matters concerning the advertising of Multilevel Marketing Transactions pertaining to a series of Multilevel Marketing activities supervised by the Supervisor, which are conducted by the general multilevel marketing distributor 業務提供誘引販売業を行う者 Person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales 一 当該業務提供誘引販売業を行う者がその業務提供誘引販売業に係る業務提供誘引販売取引について行う勧誘に関する事項 (1) matters concerning solicitation of Business Opportunity Related Sales Transactions pertaining to the Business Opportunity Related Sales conducted by the person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales 二 当該業務提供誘引販売業を行う者がその業務提供誘引販売業に係る業務提供誘引販売取引について行う契約の締結に関する事項 (2) matters concerning conclusion of a contract on Business Opportunity Related Sales Transactions pertaining to the Business Opportunity Related Sales by the person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales 三 当該業務提供誘引販売業を行う者がその業務提供誘引販売業に係る業務提供誘引販売取引について締結する契約の内容及びその履行に関する事項 (3) matters concerning the details and performance of a contract on Business Opportunity Related Sales Transactions pertaining to the Business Opportunity Related Sales concluded by the person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales 四 当該業務提供誘引販売業を行う者がその業務提供誘引販売業に係る業務提供誘引販売取引について行う契約の解除に関する事項 (4) matters concerning rescission of a contract on Business Opportunity Related Sales Transactions pertaining to the Business Opportunity Related Sales by the person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales 五 当該業務提供誘引販売業を行う者がその業務提供誘引販売業に係る業務提供誘引販売取引について行う広告に関する事項 (5) matters concerning the advertising of Business Opportunity Related Sales Transactions pertaining to the Business Opportunity Related Sales by the person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales 第十七条の二 (密接関係者) Article 17-2 (Closely Related Person)  法第六十六条第二項の政令で定める者は、次のいずれかに該当する者とする。 A person who is specified by a Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 66(2) of the Act shall be a person who falls under any of the following:  一 法第四十八条第二項に規定する関連商品の販売を行う者 (i) a person who sells the Related Goods prescribed in Article 48(2) of the Act;  二 業務提供誘引販売取引に係る業務の提供を行う者 (ii) a person who makes the business available in relation to Business Opportunity Related Sales Transactions; or  三 法第六十六条第一項に規定する販売業者等が行う特定商取引に関する事項であつて、顧客(電話勧誘顧客を含む。)若しくは購入者若しくは役務の提供を受ける者、連鎖販売取引の相手方又は業務提供誘引販売取引の相手方の判断に影響を及ぼすこととなる重要なものを告げ、又は表示する者 (iii) a person who tells or indicates important matters concerning Specified Commercial Transactions conducted by the Seller, etc. prescribed in Article 66(1) of the Act that affect the decision of the customer (including the Telemarketing Target), the purchaser, the service recipient, the counterparty of Multilevel Marketing Transactions, or the counterparty of Business Opportunity Related Sales Transactions. 第十八条 (都道府県が処理する事務) Article 18 (Affairs processed by prefectural governments) 1 法第七条、第八条、第三十八条、第三十九条、第四十六条、第四十七条、第五十六条及び第五十七条に規定する主務大臣の権限に属する事務並びにその事務に係る法第六条の二、第三十四条の二、第三十六条の二、第四十三条の二、第四十四条の二、第五十二条の二、第五十四条の二及び第六十六条第一項から第三項までに規定する主務大臣の権限に属する事務並びに訪問販売に係る取引、連鎖販売取引、特定継続的役務提供に係る取引及び業務提供誘引販売取引に関する法第六十条に規定する主務大臣の権限に属する事務で、当該都道府県の区域内における販売業者、役務提供事業者、統括者、勧誘者、一般連鎖販売業者又は業務提供誘引販売業を行う者の業務に係るものは、都道府県知事が行うこととする。ただし、二以上の都道府県の区域にわたり訪問販売に係る取引、連鎖販売取引、特定継続的役務提供に係る取引若しくは業務提供誘引販売取引の公正及び購入者等の利益が害されるおそれがあり、主務大臣がその事態に適正かつ効率的に対処するため特に必要があると認めるとき、又は都道府県知事から要請があつたときは、主務大臣が法第六条の二、第七条、第八条、第三十四条の二、第三十六条の二、第三十八条、第三十九条、第四十三条の二、第四十四条の二、第四十六条、第四十七条、第五十二条の二、第五十四条の二、第五十六条、第五十七条及び第六十六条第一項から第三項までに規定する主務大臣の権限に属する事務を自ら行うことを妨げない。 (1) The prefectural governor shall process the affairs under the authority of the competent minister prescribed in Article 7, Article 8, Article 38, Article 39, Article 46, Article 47, Article 56, and Article 57 of the Act and the affairs under the authority of the competent minister prescribed in Article 6-2, Article 34-2, Article 36-2, Article 43-2, Article 44-2, Article 52-2, Article 54-2, and Article 66(1) to (3) of the Act pertaining to such affairs, and the affairs under the authority of the competent minister prescribed in Article 60 of the Act relating to transactions pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales, transactions pertaining to Multilevel Marketing Transactions, transactions pertaining to Specified Continuous Service Offers, and Business Opportunity Related Sales Transactions that are associated with the business of a seller, a Service Provider, a Supervisor, a solicitor, a general multilevel marketing distributor, or a person conducting Business Opportunity Related Sales within the area of the prefecture. However, where there is the risk of harming the fairness of the transactions pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales, transactions pertaining to Multilevel Marketing Transactions, transactions pertaining to Specified Continuous Service Offers, or Business Opportunity Related Sales Transactions and the interests of the purchaser, etc. in the areas of two or more prefectures, and the competent minister finds it specially necessary for appropriately and efficiently dealing with the situation, or upon the request of the prefectural governor, this shall not preclude the competent minister from processing the affairs under the authority of the competent minister prescribed in Article 6-2, Article 7, Article 8, Article 34-2, Article 36-2, Article 38, Article 39, Article 43-2, Article 44-2, Article 46, Article 47, Article 52-2, Article 54-2, Article 56, Article 57, and Article 66(1) to (3) of the Act. 2 前項の規定により法第六条の二、第七条、第八条、第三十四条の二、第三十六条の二、第三十八条、第三十九条、第四十三条の二、第四十四条の二、第四十六条、第四十七条、第五十二条の二、第五十四条の二、第五十六条、第五十七条又は第六十六条第一項から第三項までに規定する主務大臣の権限に属する事務を行つた都道府県知事は、速やかに、その結果を主務大臣に報告しなければならない。 (2) A prefectural governor who has processed the affairs under the authority of the competent minister prescribed in Article 6-2, Article 7, Article 8, Article 34-2, Article 36-2, Article 38, Article 39, Article 43-2, Article 44-2, Article 46, Article 47, Article 52-2, Article 54-2, Article 56, Article 57, and Article 66(1) to (3) of the Act pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall promptly report the results to the competent minister. 3 第一項本文の場合においては、法中同項本文に規定する事務に係る主務大臣に関する規定は、都道府県知事に関する規定として都道府県知事に適用があるものとする。 (3) In the case referred to in the main clause of Paragraph 1, the provisions of the Act concerning the competent minister pertaining to the affairs prescribed in the main clause of the same paragraph shall apply to the prefectural governor as provisions concerning the prefectural governor. 別表第一 (第三条関係) Appended Table 1 (Re: Article 3) 一 動物及び植物の加工品(一般の飲食の用に供されないものに限る。)であつて、人が摂取するもの(医薬品(薬事法(昭和三十五年法律第百四十五号)第二条第一項の医薬品をいう。以下同じ。)を除く。) (1) processed goods of animals and plants (limited to those that are not for general eating or drinking) that are ingested by humans (excluding medicines [medicines as prescribed in Article 2(1) of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act (Act No. 145 of 1960); the same shall apply hereinafter]) 二 犬及び猫並びに熱帯魚その他の観賞用動物 (2) dogs, cats, tropical fish, and other ornamental animals 三 盆栽、鉢植えの草花その他の観賞用植物(切花及び切枝並びに種苗を除く。) (3) bonsai (miniature potted trees), potted flowers, and other ornamental plants (excluding cut flowers, cut branches, as well as seeds and seedlings) 四 障子、雨戸、門扉その他の建具 (4) shoji (paper sliding doors), amado (window shutters), gates, and other fittings 五 手編み毛糸及び手芸糸 (5) knitting wool and handicraft threads 六 不織布及び幅が十三センチメートル以上の織物 (6) nonwoven fabrics and textiles with a width of 13 cm or more 七 真珠並びに貴石及び半貴石 (7) pearls, precious stones, and semiprecious stones 八 金、銀、白金その他の貴金属 (8) gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals 九 家庭用石油タンク並びにその部品及び附属品 (9) domestic oil tanks as well as their parts and accessories 十 太陽光発電装置その他の発電装置 (10) photovoltaic generation equipment and other power generation equipment 十一 ペンチ、ドライバーその他の作業工具及び電気ドリル、電気のこぎりその他の電動工具 (11) pliers, screwdrivers, and other work tools, as well as electric drills, electric saws, and other electric tools 十二 家庭用ミシン及び手編み機械 (12) domestic sewing machines and knitting machines 十三 ぜんまい式のタイマー、家庭用ばね式指示はかり及び血圧計 (13) clockwork timers, as well as domestic self-indicating weighing instruments and blood pressure manometers 十四 時計 (14) clocks and watches/timekeeping devices 十五 望遠鏡、双眼鏡及び生物顕微鏡 (15) telescopes, binoculars, and biological microscopes 十六 写真機械器具 (16) photographic machines and apparatus 十七 映画機械器具及び映画用フィルム(八ミリ用のものに限る。) (17) cinematographic machines and apparatus as well as cinematographic films (limited to those for 8 mm video systems) 十八 複写機及びワードプロセッサー (18) copying machines and word processors 十九 乗車用ヘルメットその他安全帽子、繊維製の避難はしご及び避難ロープ並びに消火器及び消火器用消火薬剤 (19) riding helmets and other safety hats, fiber-made escape ladders and escape ropes, as well as fire extinguishers, and fire extinguishing agents 二十 火災警報器、ガス漏れ警報器、防犯警報器その他の警報装置 (20) fire alarm systems, gas-leak alarm systems, crime-prevention alarm systems, and other alarm equipment 二十一 はさみ、ナイフ、包丁その他の利器及びのみ、かんな、のこぎりその他の工匠具 (21) scissors, general knives, kitchen knives, and other sharp-edged tools, as well as chisels, planers, saws, and other craftsmen tools 二十二 ラジオ受信機、テレビジョン受信機、電気冷蔵庫、エアコンディショナーその他の家庭用電気機械器具、照明器具、漏電遮断器及び電圧調整器 (22) radio receivers, television receivers, electric refrigerators, air conditioners, and other domestic electric machines and apparatus, lighting fixtures, ground-fault circuit interrupters, and voltage regulators 二十三 電話器、インターホン、ファクシミリ装置、携帯用非常無線装置及びアマチュア無線用機器 (23) telephone sets, intercoms, facsimile machines, portable emergency radio equipment, and ham radio equipment 二十四 超音波を用いてねずみその他の有害動物を駆除する装置 (24) equipment for exterminating mice or other harmful animals by using ultrasonic waves 二十五 電子式卓上計算機並びに電子計算機並びにその部品及び附属品 (25) electronic desk calculators and computers as well as their parts and accessories 二十六 乗用自動車及び自動二輪車(原動機付自転車を含む。)並びにこれらの部品及び附属品 (26) passenger cars and motorcycles (including motorized bicycles) as well as their parts and accessories 二十七 自転車並びにその部品及び附属品 (27) bicycles as well as their parts and accessories 二十八 ショッピングカート及び歩行補助車 (28) shopping carts and wheeled walking aids 二十九 れんが、かわら及びコンクリートブロック並びに屋根用のパネル、壁用のパネルその他の建築用パネル (29) bricks, roof tiles, and concrete blocks, as well as roof panels, wall panels, and other building panels 三十 眼鏡並びにその部品及び附属品並びに補聴器 (30) eyeglasses as well as their parts and accessories, and hearing aids 三十一 家庭用の医療用吸入器、電気治療器、バイブレーター、指圧代用器、温きゆう器、磁気治療器、医療用物質生成器及び近視眼矯正器 (31) medical inhalers, electric therapy apparatus, vibrators, acupressure apparatus, moxibustion apparatus, magnetic therapy apparatus, medical substance generators, and myopia correction apparatus for domestic use 三十二 コンドーム、生理用品及び家庭用の医療用洗浄器 (32) condoms, menstrual sanitary goods, and medical washing apparatus for domestic use; 三十三 防虫剤、殺虫剤、防臭剤及び脱臭剤(医薬品を除く。)並びにかび防止剤及び防湿剤 (33) insect repellents, insecticides, and deodorizers (excluding medicines), as well as antimolds and moisture-proof agents 三十四 化粧品、毛髪用剤及び石けん(医薬品を除く。)、浴用剤、合成洗剤、洗浄剤、つや出し剤、ワックス、靴クリーム並びに歯ブラシ (34) cosmetics, hair agents, and soap (excluding medicines), bath agents, synthetic detergents, cleaning agents, polishing agents, wax, shoe cream, and tooth brushes 三十五 衣服 (35) clothes 三十六 ネクタイ、マフラー、ハンドバック、かばん、傘、つえ、サングラス(視力補正用のものを除く。)その他の身の回り品、指輪、ネックレス、カフスボタンその他の装身具、喫煙具及び化粧用具 (36) neckties, scarves, handbags, bags, umbrellas, walking sticks, sunglasses (excluding those for vision correction), and other personal items, rings, necklaces, cuff buttons, and other personal ornaments, smoking supplies, as well as cosmetic tools 三十七 履物 (37) footwear 三十八 床敷物、カーテン、寝具、テーブル掛け、タオルその他の家庭用繊維製品及び壁紙 (38) floor mats, curtains, bedding, table cloths, towels, and other domestic textile products, as well as wall papers 三十九 家具及びついたて、びようぶ、傘立て、金庫、ロッカーその他の装備品並びに家庭用洗濯用具、屋内装飾品その他の住生活用品 (39) furniture, and single-panel screens, folding screens, umbrella stands, money safes, lockers, and other equipment, as well as domestic laundry equipment, indoor decorations, and other domestic living supplies 四十 住宅に附属して屋外に設置するバルコニー、車庫、物置その他これらに類する簡易なプレハブ式の工作物の部材 (40) balconies, garages, storage sheds, and other similar simple prefabricated structures that are installed outdoors attached to housing 四十一 ストーブ、温風機その他の暖房用具、レンジ、天火、こんろその他の料理用具及び湯沸器(電気加熱式のものを除く。)、太陽熱利用冷温熱装置並びにバーナーであつて除草に用いることができるもの (41) stoves, warm air furnaces, and other heating equipment, cooking ranges, ovens, cooking stoves, and other cooking equipment, water heaters, solar cooling and heating appliances, as well as burners that can be used for weeding 四十二 浴槽、台所流し、便器、浄化槽、焼却炉その他の衛生用の器具又は設備並びにこれらの部品及び附属品 (42) bathtubs, kitchen sinks, toilet bowls, septic tanks, incinerators, and other sanitary apparatus or facilities as well as their parts and accessories 四十三 融雪機その他の家庭用の融雪設備 (43) snow melting machines, and other snow melting facilities for domestic use 四十四 なべ、かま、湯沸かしその他の台所用具及び食卓用ナイフ、食器、魔法瓶その他の食卓用具 (44) pans, pots, kettles, and other kitchen utensils, as well as table knives, tableware, thermos flasks, and other table utensils 四十五 囲碁用具、将棋用具その他の室内娯楽用具 (45) tools for playing the game of go or shogi, and tools for doing other indoor recreational activities 四十六 おもちや及び人形 (46) toys and dolls 四十七 釣漁具、テント及び運動用具 (47) fishing gears, tents, and other sports gears 四十八 滑り台、ぶらんこ、鉄棒及び子供用車両 (48) slides, swings, horizontal bars, and children's vehicles 四十九 新聞紙(株式会社の発行するものに限る。)、雑誌、書籍及び地図 (49) newspapers (limited to those published by stock corporations or limited liability companies), magazines, books, and maps 五十 地球儀、写真(印刷したものを含む。)並びに書画及び版画の複製品 (50) desk globes, photographs (including those that are printed), calligraphic works and paintings, as well as block prints 五十一 磁気記録媒体並びにレコードプレーヤー用レコード及び磁気的方法又は光学的方法により音、影像又はプログラムを記録した物 (51) magnetic recording media, and phonograph records, as well as matters in which sounds, images, or programs are recorded by magnetic or optical means 五十二 シャープペンシル、万年筆、ボールペン、インクスタンド、定規その他これらに類する事務用品、印章及び印肉、アルバム並びに絵画用品 (52) mechanical pencils, fountain pens, ball-point pens, ink stands, rulers, and other similar stationery goods, seals and inkpads, albums, and painting tools 五十三 楽器 (53) musical instruments 五十四 かつら (54) wigs 五十五 神棚、仏壇及び仏具並びに祭壇及び祭具 (55) Shinto altars, Buddhist altars and their fittings, as well as any other altars and their fittings 五十六 砂利及び庭石、墓石その他の石材製品 (56) pebbles, garden rocks, gravestones, and other stone products 五十七 絵画、彫刻その他の美術工芸品及びメダルその他の収集品 (57) paintings, sculptures, and other art and craft works, as well as medals and other collectibles 別表第二 (第三条関係) Appended Table 2 (Re: Article 3) 一 保養のための施設又はスポーツ施設を利用する権利 (1) rights to use resort facilities or sports facilities 二 映画、演劇、音楽、スポーツ、写真又は絵画、彫刻その他の美術工芸品を鑑賞し、又は観覧する権利 (2) rights to view or listen to movies, dramas, music, sports, photographs, or paintings, sculptures or other art and craft works 三 語学の教授を受ける権利 (3) rights to receive language lessons 別表第三 (第三条関係) Appended Table 3 (Re: Article 3) 一 庭の改良 (1) renovating of gardens 二 次に掲げる物品の貸与 (2) leasing of the following goods:   イ 家庭用ミシン (a) domestic sewing machines   ロ 複写機及びワードプロセッサー (b) copying machines and word processors   ハ 消火器 (c) fire extinguishers   ニ 火災警報器、ガス漏れ警報器、防犯警報器その他の警報装置 (d) fire alarm systems, gas-leak alarm systems, crime-prevention alarm systems, and other alarm equipment   ホ 家庭用の医療用洗浄器 (e) medical washing apparatus for domestic use   ヘ ラジオ受信機、テレビジョン受信機、電気冷蔵庫、エアコンディショナーその他の家庭用電気機械器具及び電圧調整器 (f) radio receivers, television receivers, electric refrigerators, air conditioners, and other domestic electric machines and apparatus, and voltage regulators   ト 電話機及びファクシミリ装置 (g) telephone sets and facsimile machines   チ 電子計算機 (h) computers   リ 家庭用の電気治療器、磁気治療器及び近視眼矯正器 (i) electric therapy apparatus, magnetic therapy apparatus, and myopia correction apparatus for domestic use   ヌ 衣服 (j) clothes   ル 寝具 (k) bedding   ヲ 浄水器 (l) water purifiers   ワ 楽器 (m) musical instruments 三 保養のための施設又はスポーツ施設を利用させること。 (3) offering of resort facilities and sports facilities for use 四 住居又は次に掲げる物品の清掃 (4) cleaning of residences or the following goods:   イ 家庭用石油タンク (a) domestic oil tanks   ロ エアコンディショナー及び換気扇 (b) air conditioners and ventilating fans   ハ 床敷物及び布団 (c) floor mats and futon (Japanese bedding)   ニ 太陽熱利用冷温熱装置 (d) solar cooling and heating appliances   ホ ふろがま (e) bath boilers   へ 浴槽、台所流し、便器、浄化槽、給水管、排水管、焼却炉その他の衛生用の器具又は設備 (f) bathtubs, kitchen sinks, toilet bowls, septic tanks, water-supply pipes, drain pipes, incinerators, and other sanitary apparatus or facilities   五 人の皮膚を清潔にし若しくは美化し、体型を整え、又は体重を減ずるための施術を行うこと。 (5) conducting of treatment for cleansing or beautifying human skin, shaping body, or reducing body weight 六 墓地又は納骨堂を使用させること。 (6) offering of graveyards or charnel houses for use 七 眼鏡若しくはかつらの調整又は衣服の仕立て (7) preparing of eyeglasses or wigs, or tailoring clothes 八 次に掲げる物品の取付け又は設置 (8) mounting or installing of the following goods:   イ 障子、雨戸、門扉その他の建具 (a) shoji (paper sliding doors), amado (window shutters), gates, and other fittings   ロ 太陽光発電装置その他の発電装置 (b) photovoltaic generation equipment and other power generation equipment   ハ 家庭用の医療用洗浄器 (c) medical washing apparatus for domestic use   ニ ラジオ受信機、テレビジョン受信機、電気冷蔵庫、エアコンディショナーその他の家庭用電気機械器具、照明器具、漏電遮断器及び電圧調整器 (d) radio receivers, television receivers, electric refrigerators, air conditioners, and other domestic electric machines and apparatus, lighting fixtures, ground-fault circuit interrupters, and voltage regulators   ホ 電話機、インターホン、ファクシミリ装置及びアマチュア無線用機器 (e) telephone sets, intercoms, facsimile machines, and ham radio equipment   ヘ れんが、かわら及びコンクリートブロック並びに屋根用のパネル、壁用のパネルその他の建築用パネル (f) bricks, roof tiles, and concrete blocks, as well as roof panels, wall panels, and other building panels   ト 浴槽、台所流し、便器、浄化槽、給水管、排水管、焼却炉その他の衛生用の器具又は設備 (g) bathtubs, kitchen sinks, toilet bowls, septic tanks, water-supply pipes, drain pipes, incinerators, and other sanitary apparatus or facilities   チ 融雪機その他の家庭用の融雪設備 (h) snow melting machines, and other snow melting facilities for domestic use 九 住宅に附属して屋外に設置するバルコニー、車庫、物置その他これらに類する簡易なプレハブ式の工作物の組立て又は設置 (9) assembling or installing of outdoor balconies, garages, storage sheds, and other similar simple prefabricated structures that are installed outdoors attached to housing 十 次に掲げる物品の取り外し又は撤去 (10) removing or dismantling of the following goods:   イ 家庭用電気機械器具 (a) domestic electric machines and apparatus   ロ 防虫剤、殺虫剤、防臭剤及び脱臭剤(医薬品を除く。)並びにかび防止剤及び防湿剤 (b) insect repellents, insecticides, and deodorizers (excluding medicines), as well as antimolds and moisture-proof agents   ハ 太陽熱利用冷温熱装置 (c) solar cooling and heating appliances   ニ 浄化槽 (d) septic tanks   十一 結婚又は交際を希望する者への異性の紹介 (11) introducing of people of the opposite sex to people seeking to marry or date 十二 易断を行うこと。 (12) fortune telling 十三 映画、演劇、音楽、スポーツ、写真又は絵画、彫刻その他の美術工芸品を鑑賞させ、又は観覧させること。 (13) having people view or listen to movies, dramas, music, sports, photographs, or paintings, sculptures or other art and craft works. 十四 家屋、門若しくは塀又は次に掲げる物品の修繕又は改良 (14) repairing or renovating of houses, gates, or fences, or the following goods:   イ 障子、雨戸、門扉その他の建具 (a) shoji (paper sliding doors), amado (window shutters), gates, and other fittings   ロ 家庭用石油タンク (b) domestic oil tanks   ハ 太陽光発電装置その他の発電装置 (c) photovoltaic generation equipment and other power generation equipment   ニ 家庭用ミシン及び換気扇 (d) domestic sewing machines and ventilating fans   ホ 履物 (e) footwear   ヘ 畳及び布団 (f) tatami mats and futons (Japanese bedding)   ト 太陽熱利用冷温熱装置 (g) solar cooling and heating appliances   チ ふろがま (h) bath boilers   リ 浴槽、台所流し、便器、浄化槽、給水管、排水管、焼却炉その他の衛生用の器具又は設備 (i) bathtubs, kitchen sinks, toilet bowls, septic tanks, water-supply pipes, drain pipes, incinerators, and other sanitary apparatus or facilities   ヌ 神棚、仏壇及び仏具並びに祭壇及び祭具 (j) Shinto altars, Buddhist altars and their fittings, as well as any other altars and their fittings 十五 プログラムを電子計算機に備えられたファイルに記録し、又は記録させること。 (15) recording of or having someone record programs onto computer files 十六 名簿、人名録その他の書籍(磁気ディスク(これに準ずる方法により一定の事項を確実に記録しておくことができる物を含む。)をもつて調製するものを含む。)、新聞又は雑誌への氏名、経歴その他の個人に関する情報の掲載若しくは記録又はこれらに掲載され若しくは記録された当該情報の訂正、追加、削除若しくは提供 (16) publishing or recording of names, personal histories, or other personal information on name lists, directories, or other books (including those prepared in the form of magnetic disks [including items that can securely record specific matters by similar means]), newspapers, or magazines, or correcting, adding, deleting, or offering the information thus published or recorded 十七 土地の測量、整地又は除草 (17) surveying of land, leveling of land, or weeding 十八 家屋における有害動物又は有害植物の防除 (18) controlling of harmful animals or plants in houses 十九 住宅への入居の申込み手続の代行 (19) carrying out of application procedures for moving into a residence on someone's behalf 二十 技芸又は知識の教授 (20) teaching of art or the passing on of knowledge 別表第四 (第五条関係) Appended Table 4 (Re: Article 5) 一 動物及び植物の加工品(一般の飲食の用に供されないものに限る。)であつて、人が摂取するもの(医薬品を除く。) (1) processed goods of animals and plants (limited to those that are not for general eating or drinking) that are ingested by humans (excluding medicines) 二 不織布及び幅が十三センチメートル以上の織物 (2) nonwoven fabrics and textiles with a width of 13 cm or more 三 コンドーム及び生理用品 (3) condoms and menstrual sanitary goods 四 防虫剤、殺虫剤、防臭剤及び脱臭剤(医薬品を除く。) (4) insect repellents, insecticides, and deodorizers (excluding medicines) 五 化粧品、毛髪用剤及び石けん(医薬品を除く。)、浴用剤、合成洗剤、洗浄剤、つや出し剤、ワックス、靴クリーム並びに歯ブラシ (5) cosmetics, hair agents, and soap (excluding medicines), bath agents, synthetic detergents, cleaning agents, polishing agents, wax, shoe cream, and tooth brushes 六 履物 (6) footwear 七 壁紙 (7) wallpapers 別表第五 (第十一条、第十二条、第十五条、第十六条関係) Appended Table 5 (Re: Article 11, Article 12, Article 15, and Article 16) │特定継続的役務│特定継続的役務提供の期間│契約の解除によつて通常生ずる損害の額│契約の締結及び履行のために通常要する費用の額│ |Specified Continuous Services|Periods of Specified Continuous Services|Amount of damage that is normally caused by rescission of a contract|Amount of costs normally required for concluding and performing a contract| │一 人の皮膚を清潔にし若しくは美化し、体型を整え、又は体重を減ずるための施術を行うこと。│一月│二万円又は、当該特定継続的役務提供契約に係る特定継続的役務の対価の総額から提供された特定継続的役務の対価に相当する額を控除した額(二の項において「契約残額」という。)の百分の十に相当する額のいずれか低い額│二万円│ |(1) conducting of treatment for cleansing or beautifying human skin, shaping body, or reducing body weight|one month|20,000 yen or an amount equivalent to 10 percent of the amount obtained by deducting the amount corresponding to the consideration for the offered Specified Continuous Services from the total amount of consideration for the Specified Continuous Services pertaining to said Specified Continuous Service Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "remaining amount of the contract" in this table), whichever is lower|20,000 yen| │二 語学の教授(学校教育法(昭和二十二年法律第二十六号)第一条に規定する学校、同法第八十二条の二に規定する専修学校若しくは同法第八十三条第一項に規定する各種学校の入学者を選抜するための学力試験に備えるため又は同法第一条に規定する学校(大学を除く。)における教育の補習のための学力の教授に該当するものを除く。)│二月│五万円又は契約残額の百分の二十に相当する額のいずれか低い額│一万五千円│ |(2) teaching of languages (excluding those corresponding to teaching for preparation for scholastic ability tests to select entrants of the schools prescribed in Article 1 of the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947), the special training colleges prescribed in Article 82-2 of the same Act, or the miscellaneous schools prescribed in Article 83(1) of the same Act, or teaching of academic skills to supplement the education in the schools prescribed in Article 1 of the same Act [excluding universities])|two months|50,000 yen or an amount equivalent to 20 percent of the remaining amount of the contract, whichever is lower|15,000 yen| │三 学校教育法第一条に規定する学校(小学校及び幼稚園を除く。)、同法第八十二条の二に規定する専修学校若しくは同法第八十三条第一項に規定する各種学校の入学者を選抜するための学力試験(四の項において「入学試験」という。)に備えるため又は学校教育(同法第一条に規定する学校(大学及び幼稚園を除く。)における教育をいう。同項において同じ。)の補習のための学力の教授(同項に規定する場所以外の場所において提供されるものに限る。)│二月│五万円又は当該特定継続的役務提供契約における一月分の役務の対価に相当する額のいずれか低い額│二万円│ |(3) act of teaching for preparation for scholastic ability tests to select entrants of the schools prescribed in Article 1 of the School Education Act (excluding elementary schools and kindergartens), the special training colleges prescribed in Article 82-2 of the same Act, or the miscellaneous schools prescribed in Article 83(1) of the same Act (referred to as the "entrance tests" in (4) of this table), or teaching of academic skills to supplement school education (which means the education in the schools prescribed in Article 1 of the same Act [excluding universities and kindergartens]; the same shall apply in (4) of this table) (limited to those offered at a place other than the place prescribed in (4) of this table)|two months|50,000 yen or an amount corresponding to the consideration for one month of services under said Specified Continuous Service Contract, whichever is lower|20,000 yen| │四 入学試験に備えるため又は学校教育の補習のための学校教育法第一条に規定する学校(大学及び幼稚園を除く。)の児童、生徒又は学生を対象とした学力の教授(役務提供事業者の事業所その他の役務提供事業者が当該役務提供のために用意する場所において提供されるものに限る。)│二月│二万円又は当該特定継続的役務提供契約における一月分の役務の対価に相当する額のいずれか低い額│一万一千円│ |(4) teaching of academic skills to pupils or students of the schools prescribed in Article 1 of the School Education Act (excluding universities and kindergartens) for preparation for entrance tests or for supplementing school education (limited to those offered at the place of business of the Service Provider or other places prepared by the Service Provider for offering said services)|two months|20,000 yen or an amount corresponding to the consideration for one month of services under said Specified Continuous Service Contract, whichever is lower|11,000 yen| │五 電子計算機又はワードプロセッサーの操作に関する知識又は技術の教授│二月│五万円又は契約残額の百分の二十に相当する額のいずれか低い額│一万五千円│ |(5) passing on of knowledge or teaching of techniques concerning operation of computers or word processors|two months|50,000 yen or an amount corresponding to 20 percent of the remaining amount of the contract, whichever is lower|15,000 yen| │六 結婚を希望する者への異性の紹介│二月│二万円又は契約残額の百分の二十に相当する額のいずれか低い額│三万円│ |(6) introducing of people of the opposite sex to people seeking to marry|two months|20,000 yen or an amount corresponding to 20 percent of the remaining amount of the contract, whichever is lower|30,000 yen| 別表第六 (第十四条関係) Appended Table 6 (Re: Article 14) 一 別表第五の一の項に掲げる特定継続的役務にあつては、次に掲げる商品 (1) the following goods, with respect to the Specified Continuous Services listed in (1) of Appended Table 5:   イ 動物及び植物の加工品(一般の飲食の用に供されないものに限る。)であつて、人が摂取するもの(医薬品を除く。) (a) processed goods of animals and plants (limited to those that are not for general eating or drinking) that are ingested by humans (excluding medicines)   ロ 化粧品、石けん(医薬品を除く。)及び浴用剤 (b) cosmetics, soap (excluding medicines), and bath agents   ハ 下着 (c) underwear   ニ 電気による刺激又は電磁波若しくは超音波を用いて人の皮膚を清潔にし又は美化する器具又は装置 (d) apparatus or equipment that cleanses or beautifies human skin by using electric stimulations, electromagnetic waves, or ultrasonic waves 二 別表第五の二の項から四の項までに掲げる特定継続的役務にあつては、次に掲げる商品 (2) the following goods, with respect to the Specified Continuous Services listed in (2) to (4) of Appended Table 5:   イ 書籍 (a) books   ロ 磁気的方法又は光学的方法により音、影像又はプログラムを記録した物 (b) matters in which sounds, images, or programs are recorded by magnetic or optical means   ハ ファクシミリ装置及びテレビ電話装置 (c) facsimile machines or videophone equipment 三 別表第五の五の項に掲げる特定継続的役務にあつては、次に掲げる商品 (3) the following goods, with respect to the Specified Continuous Services listed in (5) of Appended Table 5:   イ 電子計算機及びワードプロセッサー並びにこれらの部品及び附属品 (a) computers or word processors as well as their parts and accessories   ロ 書籍 (b) books   ハ 磁気的方法又は光学的方法により音、映像又はプログラムを記録した物 (c) matters in which sounds, images, or programs are recorded by magnetic or optical means 四 別表第五の六の項に掲げる特定継続的役務にあつては、次に掲げる商品 (4) the following goods, with respect to the Specified Continuous Services listed in (6) of Appended Table 5:   イ 真珠並びに貴石及び半貴石 (a) pearls, precious stones, and semiprecious stones   ロ 指輪その他の装身具 (b) rings and other personal ornaments