November 30 - December 1, 2012
Amusement Zone Miyazaki (JA-AZM hall), Miyazaki, Japan with a support of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence in association with Fourth JSAI International Symposia on AI (JSAI-isAI 2012)
Submission Deadline: September 24, 2012 (extended)
Notification: October 22, 2012 (extended)
Camera Ready Copy due: November 7, 2012 (extended)
Workshop: November 30 - December 1, 2012
Juris-informatics is a new research area which studies legal issues from the perspective of informatics.
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss both the fundamental and practical issues for juris-informatics among people from the various backgrounds such as law, social science, information and intelligent technology, logic and philosophy, including the conventional "AI and law" area.
We solicit unpublished papers on theories, technologies and applications on juris-informatics.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
We welcome and encourage the submission of high quality, original papers, which are not simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere except as a submission to JURIX 2012 (The 25th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems). The double submission policy with JURIX 2012 is as follows:
Papers should be written in English, formatted according to the Springer Verlag LNCS style in a pdf form , which can be obtained from, and not exceed 14 pages including figures, references, etc.
If you use a word file, please follow the instruction of the format, and then convert it into a pdf form and submit it at the paper submission page.
If a paper is accepted, at least one author of the paper must register the workshop and present it.
For a paper submission, click here .
A printed volume of the proceedings with ISBN(978-4-915905-52-0 C3004(JSAI)) will be available at the workshop.
Springer Verlag has agreed to publish selected papers of the workshop in the JSAI-isAI 2012 post-proceedings as a volume of LNAI.
Thus, the authors of papers presented at the workshop will be asked to extend their contributions, possibly incorporating the results of the workshop discussion, to be included in the workshop post-proceedings, after another round of refereeing. The selected papers of the previous workshops were published as volumes of LNAI4914(JURISIN 2007), LNAI5447(JURISIN 2008), LNAI6284(JURISIN 2009) , LNAI6797(JURISIN2010) and LNAI7258(JURISIN2011) respectively.
We have received from JSAI partical economical support for travelling costs for promising foreign students whose papers have been accepted to be presented at JURISIN2012. The amount of the whole support is 250,000 yen and we divide it to students who need a support. The actual support will vary based on the number of applicants and where students come from. Please contact the chairperson () for details.
JA-AZM Hall is located in the northern part of Miyazaki city.
Makoto Nakamura, Nagoya University, Japan
Katsuhiko Toyama, Nagoya University, Japan
Makoto Nakamura, Nagoya University, Japan
Katsumi Nitta, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Seiichiro Sakurai, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan
Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics and Sokendai, Japan
Satoshi Tojo, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(JAIST), Japan
Katsuhiko Toyama, Nagoya University, Japan
Thomas Agotnes, University of Bergen, Norway
Marina De Vos, University of Bath, UK
Phan Minh Dung, AIT, Thailand
Tom Gordon, Fraunfoher FOKUS, Germany
Guido Governatori, University of Queensland, Australia
Tokuyasu Kakuta, Nagoya University, Japan
Takehiko Kasahara, Toin University of Yokohama, Japan
Masahiro Kozuka, Kanazawa University, Japan
Makoto Nakamura, Nagoya University, Japan
Katsumi Nitta, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Paulo Novais, University of Minho, Portugal
Jeremy Pitt, Imperial College London, UK
Henry Prakken, University of Utrecht & Groningen, The Netherlands
Seiichiro Sakurai, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan
Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics and Sokendai, Japan
Akira Shimazu, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Fumihiko Takahashi, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan
Satoshi Tojo, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Katsuhiko Toyama, Nagoya University, Japan
Radboud Winkels, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Shin-ichi Yoro, Osaka University, Japan
John Zeleznikow, Victoria University, Australia
For any inquiry, please send it to