Morphological Analysis
The morphological analysis of Japanese language has been studied on the assumption that Japanese verbs and adjectives conjugate. But, Kiyose who considers the agglutinative character of Japanese language claimed that Japanese has no conjugation of verbal stems and proposed the derivational grammar. The derivational grammar can describe verbal clauses systematically without conjugation. We are studing the natural language processing based on the derivational grammar. A main research theme is given in the following.
Morphological Analysis of Japanese
We propose a new simple Japanese morphological analysis system named MAJO(Morphological Analyzer of Japanese based On derivational grammar). The systems which have been proposed so far were quite complicated in order to deal with conjugations of verbs and adjectives. On the other hand, it is known that the derivational grammar, which does not use the concept of conjugations, makes morphological analysis simple. Although there are some literatures on the application of the derivational grammar to Japanese morphological analysis, all of them has modified their grammar to utilize existing systems. MAJO is constructed directly from the derivational grammar, so that it has less grammar rules than the previous systems.
Japanese-Uighur Machine Translation
Japanese and Uighur languages are agglutinative languages, they have many syntactic similarities. Thus we can translate from Japanese into Uighur languages by replacing Japanese words with corresponding Uighur words after Japanese morphological analysis. In this paper, we discuss a translation method of verbal clauses that play an important role in sentences. By using the derivational grammar which formalizes Japanese verbs syntax without conjugation, we propose a simple and systematical translation system. The system consists of two independent modules and so we can apply this approach to other agglutinative languages.